Mar 12, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Registered Nurse Program Information

This program is designed to prepare graduates for Registered Nursing positions in a variety of healthcare settings. The program combines studies at Owens Community College with planned and guided experience in client care in healthcare facilities and community agencies.  

Department of Nursing


Toledo Campus    



Catherine Ford, Dean Health Technologies 121B    (567) 661-7398
Irene K. Jones, Chair, Nursing Programs Heritage Hall 204E (567) 661-2111
Michelle Shephard, Assistance Chair, Lab Operations, Nursing Program   Heritage Hall 209P (567) 661-7475
Amanda Kiefer, Assistant Chair, Clinical Operations, Nursing Heritage Hall 204F (567) 661-7225
Vacant, STNA Program Manager Bicentennial Hall 425A (567) 661-xxxx  

Program Approval 

The Registered Nurse program is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing.

Ohio Board of Nursing
17 South High Street, Suite 660
Columbus, Ohio 43215-7410
Phone: 614-466-3947
FAX: 614-466-0388
Web address:


The Associate Degree nursing program at Owens Community College located in Perrysburg, Ohio is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree nursing program is continuing accreditation.

Professional Organizations

National League for Nursing
The Watergate
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW
Eighth floor
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 800-699-1656
Web address:

Ohio League for Nursing
20545 Center Ridge Road, Suite 205
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
Phone: 440-331-2721
FAX:  440-331-2744
Web address:

National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (N-OADN)
7794 Grow Drive
Pensacola, Florida 32514
Phone: 850-484-6948
FAX: 850-484-8762
Email address:

Ohio Council of Associate Degree Nursing Education Administrators (OCADNEA)
Email address:

Student Advisement

All students entering or enrolled in the Nursing Program must achieve a “C” or better in all courses within the plan of study to progress through the program. Students who fail to achieve these grades must meet with a Nursing Advisor.  All Nursing (NUR) courses must be completed within a period of three (3) years.

Background Check

A BCI & I or a BCI & I and FBI criminal records check will be done prior to beginning the program.  The type of criminal records check will be determined by the State of residence and length of time of residency in the State.

STNA Requirement

An Ohio Department of Health approved Nurse Assistant Training Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP) must be completed within two years of the beginning of the first clinical course.  Documentation noting successful completion must be submitted to the program prior to starting in the program.   Students who are currently working in the role of a State Tested Nurse Assistant (STNA) may submit a letter of verification from their current employer detailing their job responsibilities. The Nursing Program Assistant Chair will determine if the student meets the criteria for the NATCEP requirement. 

Licensure/Clinical Agency Requirements

Program graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Students who plan to apply to take the NCLEX must submit fingerprints to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BC I& I) and the BCI & I and FBI within six months of taking the examination. The Ohio Board of Nursing has the right to refuse to grant licensure to applicants who have been convicted of a misdemeanor, a felony or an egregious felony as described in the Ohio Revised Code (ORC): Section 4723.09. 

To meet certain clinical agency requirements, background checks will be performed prior to the first NUR course and/or clinical experience and prior to the fourth semester. Based on the results of the background check, clinical agencies may deny a student access to the clinical experience. Certain clinical agencies may require students to have a drug screen prior to attending clinical placement at their agency. The drug screen schedule will be determined by the clinical agency. A positive drug screen may prevent clinical placement at the agency in which the screen was required.

Technical Standards

Technical Standards are defined by the Owens Community College Nursing Faculty as the functional abilities determined to be essential to the practice of nursing.

The purpose of this document is to notify prospective nursing students of these technical standards to enable them to make an informed decision regarding enrollment in the nursing program at Owens Community College.

The delivery of safe, effective nursing care requires that students be able to perform functions related to the Technical Standards. The inability of a student to perform these functions may result in the student being unable to meet course objectives and to progress in the nursing program. Additionally if a student is unable to perform these required functions, the student may pose a risk of harm to the patient(s) for whom care is provided.

If you have a disability or acquire one, you may be entitled to receive individualized services and/or accommodations intended to assure you an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the program. To receive more information or to apply for services, please contact the Disability Resource Center at (567) 661-7007 or email English as a second language is not considered a disability and as such the student will not be given extra time for any timed activities.

All prospective and current Nursing students must be able to meet these standards, with or without reasonable accommodations.

The following chart outlines the Technical Standards and the related functions required by the Owens Community College Nursing Programs:

- View the Technical Standards Chart  

Employment Opportunities

The skills acquired through the Nursing Programs, as well as successful completion of the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN, prepare graduates for positions in:

  • Hospitals (Acute Care)
  • Ambulatory care facilities
  • Corrections facilities
  • Behavioral health facilities
  • Government agencies
  • Home care providers
  • Hospice
  • Insurance Companies
  • Long term care facilities
  • Managed care organizations
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Physician practices
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • School Systems
  • Skilled nursing facilities

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Owens Community College maintains an Office of Student Financial Services on each campus. The Office of Student Financial Services is the place for you to ask questions related to financial aid. Contact: 1-800-GO OWENS ext. 2387 or (567) 661-2387 Email:

The following scholarships are available to current nursing students:

Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (NEALP),

The National Student Nurse Association (NSNA),

Transfer Information

Graduates may pursue a bachelor’s degree at many universities including:  Bowling Green State University, Lourdes University, Mercy College of Ohio, Ohio University, Spring Arbor University, Eastern Michigan University, The University of Toledo, Franklin University, Siena Heights University, and Ashland University. Meet with a Nursing Advisor for more information.

For valuable information and resources to help advance your career with a Bachelor’s in Nursing visit RN to BSN website,