Sep 07, 2024
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED]
Dental Office Coordinator Certificate (Owens Code: ZDOC)
Required Courses
*The Age of Coursework for Dental Assisting courses is 2 years. Please refer to College Policy, Chapter 2 - Academic, 3358:11-2-22 Age of Coursework Policy.
**If keyboarding proficient (25wpm) complete and pass proficiency test and enroll in OAD 101 .
*The Age of Coursework for Office Administration (OAD) courses is 6 years - chair approval required for courses beyond that. Please refer to College Policy, Chapter 2 - Academic, 3358:11-2-22 Age of Coursework Policy.
Petition for Certificate Completion
Students are eligible to become a candidate for a certificate when the student has completed all necessary requirements. Students who are registering for their final semester of course work must submit a petition for certificate completion by accessing their Ozone account.
Visit the Owens website for petition deadline dates and fee information. For more information regarding certificate completion refer to Chapter 2 - Academic College Policy, 3358:11-2-51, Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures.